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- Written by: Sar Sargsyan
- Category: News
- Hits: 292

Sar Sargsyan was in Bulgaria from 19 to 24 September 2024. His stay there was of a varied nature. Firstly, from 19 to 21 September he was a jury at the International Music Festival "Sofia Grand Prix" in the capital of the country, organized by Sar Sargsyan Cultural Entertainment Artistic Agency Partner in Bulgaria, the Artistic Agency "Festival Music Agency Artvoices". During the Gala Concert of the Festival, Sar presented official invitations to "Vistula Sounds" Festival in 2025, which in his opinion were received by the most interesting artists from different countries of the world. On September 22, he performed as a guest at a concert in Plovdiv, organized by the Armenian Church in Bulgaria dedicated to the independence of Bulgaria and Armenia. Then Sar performed in Sofia as part of the "Oktoberfest" Festival with a solo recital.
On behalf of Sar, we would like to thank the organizers of all the above-mentioned events for the invitation, warm welcome, hospitality and great organization.